![]() Have you heard of tapping? or EFT? Some claim that tapping is a powerful technique which can be used for moving through emotional blocks. The technique is so powerful that it has been used with genocide victims in Rwanda and Bosnia, for disaster victims in Haiti and is used by a trainer of the British Special Forces in the Congo and with U.S. soldiers returning with PTSD panic attacks from the battlefield. Using 9 acupressure points this easy, simple, precise pattern has been proven to help people overcome many things. It acts in much the same way as a virus in a computer program by permanently interrupting the “program” or sequence of events that occur in the brain between the initial sighting of the thing you are afraid of and the physical response you experience. Many our one’s past hurts get stored in the mind and even in the body—affecting all their future actions and decisions. For many people in my training, getting past their “past” is difficult, painful, and—until the last decade or so—very difficult, particularly if they have experienced violence, trauma, or abuse early in life. Tapping Therapy stimulates the body’s own ability to release stored pain of any kind. The results are nothing short of miraculous. We offer a state of the art scan to help identify the most pressing emotion to tap away. Simply schedule your tapping scan today (click to schedule) and watch how easy it is to heal. If you do not a hand cradle you can purchase one here. You can also call and have a consult without a cradle. After a brief conversation the practitioner will send you a report and instructions to help you get started. #tapping #healthyself #tapthatcrapaway #tapforhealth @compwellnesssolutions
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April 2020