Where we are as of Jan. 7th
New timeline added.
Applications should be coming in now
Order your books
Get payment forms in as soon as possible.
This will start the process of the initial test being sent
One on one appointments being set to go over results
Please don't stress, there is time to work as slow or as fast as you want. There are very few time sensitive items in any course. There are recommended timelines but not many strict ones. An example of a strict timeline is perhaps when I send you a test, you have 10-20 days to return in from receipt. So don't request it if you don't have time, just wait for when you do have the time.
Degree Programs offered Jan 1st:
NHP (Natural Health Practitioner)ND equivalent, once accreditation of this class is obtained the degree will change to ND based on the state allowance. We are required to have “One” completed class for this to get accreditation.
HWC (Holistic Wellness Consultant)
CNHC (Certified Natural Health Consultant) CNHP equivalent.
Course Catalog (updated 12-23)
Check List (updated 12-29)
Book List (12-23)
Course outline/timeline
Course Comparison (updated 12-20)
Student Application (updated 12-20)
Payment Options (1-5)
Payment Agreement form (updated 12-29)
Payment options are also available on KWC shopping cart under academy (updated 12-29)
Click here for a non shaded course comparison (updated 12-20)
Certificate Programs offered March 1st
Animal wellness ACC Animal care consultant
Emergency care ECC Emergency care consultant
Basic nutrition CNC Certified Nutritional Consultant
Family wellness FWC Family Wellness Consultant
Essential oils EOC Essential Oil Consultant
Biofeedback BFC “CWS” Biofeedback Consultant, this is to go over the report only with a client, most coaches with Knoxville Wellness Center already qualify for this. You will be receiving a certificate.
Where we are as of Jan. 7th
New timeline added.
Applications should be coming in now
Order your books
Get payment forms in as soon as possible.
This will start the process of the initial test being sent
One on one appointments being set to go over results
Please don't stress, there is time to work as slow or as fast as you want. There are very few time sensitive items in any course. There are recommended timelines but not many strict ones. An example of a strict timeline is perhaps when I send you a test, you have 10-20 days to return in from receipt. So don't request it if you don't have time, just wait for when you do have the time.
Degree Programs offered Jan 1st:
NHP (Natural Health Practitioner)ND equivalent, once accreditation of this class is obtained the degree will change to ND based on the state allowance. We are required to have “One” completed class for this to get accreditation.
HWC (Holistic Wellness Consultant)
CNHC (Certified Natural Health Consultant) CNHP equivalent.
Course Catalog (updated 12-23)
Check List (updated 12-29)
Book List (12-23)
Course outline/timeline
Course Comparison (updated 12-20)
Student Application (updated 12-20)
Payment Options (1-5)
Payment Agreement form (updated 12-29)
Payment options are also available on KWC shopping cart under academy (updated 12-29)
Click here for a non shaded course comparison (updated 12-20)
Certificate Programs offered March 1st
Animal wellness ACC Animal care consultant
Emergency care ECC Emergency care consultant
Basic nutrition CNC Certified Nutritional Consultant
Family wellness FWC Family Wellness Consultant
Essential oils EOC Essential Oil Consultant
Biofeedback BFC “CWS” Biofeedback Consultant, this is to go over the report only with a client, most coaches with Knoxville Wellness Center already qualify for this. You will be receiving a certificate.